Saturday, June 30, 2012

Best of: June 2012

For me, June has been a month of simplicity. I've spent this month working at a less-than-glamourous job (unless anyone out there thinks being a housekeeper in a hotel is glamourous?) and haven't felt the need to get too dolled up. So, the best products of this month, in my opinion, are the ones that have helped me get out the door as quickly as possible while still looking somewhat presentable.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Guess Who's Back!!

Hi all!
So, obviously I've been AWOL for awhile. To make a long story short, things got very busy and I got stuck in a beauty rut, leaving me totally uninspired. Somewhere between finishing sophomore year of college, starting a summer job that keeps me pretty busy, and embarking on a weight loss journey (which I can share more about if anyone is interested; let me know!) I somehow lost my blogging fire, if you know what I mean. But now I'm starting to get my mojo back in a big way.
I have plans. Oh yes, I have plans.
There will be plenty of reviews, monthly favorites, the occasional haul, all as per usual, but I will also be adding some fashion as well as the random DIY/tutorial covering everything from food to nails.
Thanks for sticking with me and don't hesitate to follow this blog so you don't miss a thing!
Here's to getting one's mojo back!