Monday, January 30, 2012

Best Of: January 2012!

What can I say? I kept it simple this month! Eventually I will do a post of some of my favorite products EVER but I don't like to include those in monthly favorites because that would get redundant. Instead I like to pick out the few products that really stood out for me during the month.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Review: Befine Exfoliating Cleanser

The Befine Exfoliating Cleanser is one of the products Birchbox sampled prior to my becoming a subscriber. I was watching a lot of Birchbox hauls trying to decide whether to join and listened to people RAVING about this cleanser. While I did join Birchbox and never actually sampled this product, I had heard so many rave reviews that I decided to check it out!

I am so glad that I did!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January Birchbox!

Hi everyone! I know this is a little late, but I accidentally forgot to change my shipping address from home to school, so I had to wait for my mom to bring it to me when she came to visit. I also want to apologize for the photo quality in this post and next couple of posts. My dorm has terrible lighting...

Okay. On to the good stuff! This month's box is one of my favorites. The theme was "clarity" and they included products to jumpstart a new skincare routine, add some color to your everyday makeup, and change up your signature scent. I have to say: I LOVE THEM ALL!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Very Slight P10P Problem...

Hi everyone!
So I know I said I wouldn't be purchasing any body care items (lotions, fragrances, things like that) but as I mentioned in my previous post, I've moved to a new university. One with a very large campus that is currently enduring the cold front many of us are feeling. The worst of it has to be the ridiculously cold wind.
And therein lies the problem.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Quick Update!

Hello everyone! I know this isn't beauty related, but I wanted to let you know that I just moved to a new college (after a year and a half at my old one) and am currently trying to get settled, which means I may need a few more days before I have a post of substance again. I have some reviews I want to post and those will come soon, once I have a bit more of schedule and I'm not spending so much time trying to get used to my new home! It's like I have a million ideas and no time to get them written down!

Have a beautiful week and for those of you who get tomorrow off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, be productive and enjoy the long weekend!

Lots of love,
Laurel Anne

Monday, January 9, 2012

Holiday Beauty Haul!

I finally have received everything that I ordered during the holidays, and now it's time for a rather LARGE haul!
*All items were purchased on or before December 31st. My Project 10 Pan began on January 1st! I promise, there is no cheating going on here!*

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nails of the Moment: Rockstar Pink

Whenever I want to do something different with my nails, I check my mother's polish stash first. This time, I found this little gem! It's Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear in the shade Rockstar Pink. It's a gorgeous pink-purple glitter polish with some blue and silver glitter throughout. I think this shade would be great for accent nails as well as for a full manicure. In this picture I am simply wearing two coats without a topcoat (my favorite top coat is currently packed away with my school stuff, so I did without). I think it's a really fun color, especially for going out at night! It looks like a total party on your nails.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best of: December 2011

This month I've been experimenting a lot with products, so it was pretty challenging to pick out favorites, but I have to say that these are the six products I reached for the most during December.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Let Project 10 Pan Begin!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to start P10P to begin the process of getting my makeup, skincare, and body care collections down to a more reasonable size. I've done a previous post on P10P outlining the rules I will be following. You can check that out here. I have chosen the 10 products that I must finish before purchasing any non-essential products and here they are!