Monday, January 30, 2012

Best Of: January 2012!

What can I say? I kept it simple this month! Eventually I will do a post of some of my favorite products EVER but I don't like to include those in monthly favorites because that would get redundant. Instead I like to pick out the few products that really stood out for me during the month.

The best of this month:
  • Up&Up Daily Calming Moisturizer (generic for Eucerin Calming Cream): First I would just like to say that I love the Up&Up brand, and store brands in general. Being a broke college student, saving a few bucks on a product that it just as good as the name brand is a no-brainer! This month I had a huge eczema flare up and this was part of what helped my skin feel much more comfortable. I use this everyday, usually in the morning after I shower and again before I go to bed and my skin is noticeably more hydrated. I would recommend this to anyone with very dry skin looking for a fragrance free cream!
  • Vichy Micellar Solution: Sadly, I used up the last of this AMAZING product this month! Since I'm doing project 10 pan, I'll wait to buy a new micellar solution and make due with my makeup removing wipes since they're more "cost effective". This stuff is seriously amazing. You just pour a little on a cotton pad and swipe it over your face and it takes ALL of your makeup off. It seriously feels like water. It doesn't leave any greasy residue or anything like that. Another huge plus is that micellar solutions are incredibly gentle so they don't irritate sensitive skin like mine. 
  • Bath & Body Works Secret Wonderland Lotion: This is one of my P10P items, and I've been loving it! It smells wonderful (even slightly like Viva La Juicy which also made this list) and it leaves my skin really soft. I use this on my hands as my body is pretty sensitive to scented lotions right now, but for whatever reason my hands don't tend to get as dry as the rest of my body.
  • Viva La Juicy: I got a sample of this with a Sephora order awhile back and then got another in my Birchbox. I loved the fragrance so much that my mom went out and bought a rollerball for me! (How sweet!) I've been obsessing over this scent. It's just so girly!
  • VMV Re-Everything Lotion: This worked wonders on my face when it started freaking out (it was a horrible month for me skin-wise). This is an exfoliating lotion that contains glycolic acid. I absolutely wouldn't recommend this for everyday use, but I've been using it about once a week and it's helped ward of dry patches and improved the texture of my skin. A quick tip: if you're going to use this on your face (although you can use it anywhere) follow it up with your normal moisturizer and be sure to wear and SPF during the day because like any product with glycolic acid, it will increase your sensitivity to the sun!
  • Neutrogena Visibly Even Cleanser: I've been using this cleanser every morning and I've really been liking it! It's a very gentle exfoliator, which feels really nice first thing in the morning. It also has a really fresh scent. Again, the gentle exfoliation has helped keep my dry patches at bay, while the creamy consistency doesn't leave your skin feeling dried out.


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